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发布时间:2020-06-22 阅读量:







伍晓芹,博士,副教授  硕士生导师


2011年 获得华中科技大学学士学位

2011-2016年 获得浙江大学博士学位

2017-2019年 美国密歇根大学-安娜堡分校,博士后

2020- beat365亚洲官方网站副教授



主要从事纳米光子学、表面等离激元光子学及器件、光微流激光及其生化传感应用的研究。近年来在Nano LettersAdvanced MaterialsNanoscaleOpticaCarbonACS PhotonicsPhotonics Research等期刊发表学术论文20多篇,其中以第一作者发表JCR 1区论文7篇,发明专利2项,并参与撰写Springer出版英文学术书籍《Lab-on-Fiber Technology》,论文总引用次数近700余次。部分研究成果被Phys.Org、Physics Today或Electronic Design等媒体报道,连续三月评为期刊Top download,或入选中国激光杂志社“2013中国光学重要成果”和“启真杯浙江大学2014年员工十大学术新成果”提名奖。参与973计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等国家级重点项目5项,多次参与国际会议并作口头报道,担任Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics、Optics & Laser Technology和Applied Optics等期刊审稿。



1. X. Q. Wu, Q. Chen, Y. P. Wang, X. Tan, and X. Fan*, "Stable high-Q bouncing ball modes in Fabry-Pérot cavity",ACS Photonics6, 10, 2470-2478 (2019). (IF 6.880)

2. X. Q. Wu, Y. P. Wang, Q. Chen, Y. C. Chen, X. Li, L. M. Tong, and X. Fan*, "High-Q, low-mode-volume microsphere-integrated Fabry-Pérot cavity for optofluidic lasing applications",Photonics Research7, 50-60 (2019). (IF 5.242)

3. X. Q. Wu, Q. Chen, P. Z. Xu, Y. C. Chen, B. Wu, R. M. Coleman, L. M. Tong, and X. Fan*, "Nanowire lasers as intracellular probes",Nanoscale10, 9729-9735 (2018). (IF 7.367)

4. X. Q. Wu, Q. Chen, P. Z. Xu, L. M. Tong, and X. Fan*, "Refractive index sensing based on semiconductor nanowire lasers",Applied Physics Letters111, 031112 (2017). (IF 3.495)

5. X. Q. Wu, S. L. Yu, Y. R. Yang, W. L. Li, X. M. Liu, L. M. Tong*, “Effective transfer of micron-size graphene to microfibers for photonic applications”,Carbon96, 1114-1119 (2016). (IF 7.082)

6. X. Q. Wu, Y. P. Wang, and L. M. Tong*, "Optical microfibers and their applications",Physics44, 356-365 (2015).

7. X. Q. Wu, L. M. Tong*, E. Mazur, “Chapter 2: Optical Micro/Nanofiber as Valuable technological platform for Lab on fiber", inLab-on-Fiber Technology, Andrea Cusano, et al., Ed., Springer (2014).

8. X. Q. Wu, Y. Xiao, C. Meng, X. N. Zhang, S. L. Yu, Y. P. Wang, C. X. Yang, X. Guo, C. Z. Ning, L. M. Tong*,“Hybrid photon-plasmon nanowire lasers”,Nano Letters13, 5654-5659 (2013). (IF 12.08)

9. X. Q. Wu, L. M. Tong*, “Optical microfibers and nanofibers”,Nanophotonics2, 407-428 (2013). (IF 6.014)

10. Y. C. Chen, Q. Chen,X. Q. Wu, X. Tan, J. Wang, and X. Fan*, "A robust tissue laser platform for analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsies",Lab Chip18, 1057-1065 (2018).

11. S. L. Yu,X. Q. Wu, Y. P. Wang, X. Guo, and L. M. Tong*,"2D materials for optical modulation: challenges and opportunities",Advanced Materials29, 1606128 (2017).

12. S. L. Yu,X. Q. Wu, K. R. Chen, B. G. Chen, L. M. Tong*, W. T. Liu, Y. R. Shen, “All-optical graphene phase modulation in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer”,Optica3, 541-544 (2016).





